PRP for Face: Let Your Skin Glow
You’ve probably heard of PRP injections for face as well as probably read both controversial and enthusiastic testimonials concerning this kind of therapy also known as PRP facial. PRP for skin is a cosmetic treatment of the face, intended to help get rid of wrinkles, pigments, and rejuvenate the skin to make it look healthier and younger. In this post, we’ll discuss the essence of PRP for face and the key aspects of this procedure.
What is platelet-rich plasma?
PRP or platelet-rich plasma has been known to treat injuries of soft tissues and promote overall healing. It has been proven to have much broader effects on the body thanks to the growth factors contained in it. The plasma is made from your own blood sample by the process of centrifugation which allows extracting platelets rich in healing properties useful for your body.
PRP procedure for the face supposes injecting the plasma into the skin of your face with the purpose of reversing aging effects, making your skin glow, and reducing wrinkles. Infusion of platelet-rich plasma is performed with the help of micro-needling which is a well-known cosmetic procedure for anti-aging effects. Micro-needling is a therapy that stimulates the production of collagen within the skin thus enabling it to look younger and tighter. In combination with PRP, such treatment makes the anti-aging effects more visible and long-lasting.
PRP for Face: Advantages to Consider
One of the main reasons why you should consider the PRP option is that treating with plasma is a non-invasive, non-surgical process, meaning the process requires almost no downtime after the procedure and the recovery goes very quickly.
Secondly, the PRP facial is performed within 30 minutes or less as the procedure is very simple. You’ll give a small blood sample which will be centrifugated to extract the plasma to inject into your face with a micro-needling device. In a few minutes before the procedure, your face will be numbed with a topical cream, and then, your plasma rich with platelets and growth factors will be applied.
The whole procedure will take less than an hour including the process of taking a blood sample and the injection itself. The main advantage of PRP treatments for face is that effects last for months. PRP skin restoration is a natural process, as the blood is taken from your own body with the aim of concentrating important proteins to stimulate collagen and elastin production.
Finally, PRP results on the face by better skin tone and texture, glowing face, and younger look. The chance to rejuvenate your skin and make it look as good as it was 10 years ago is one of the main reasons why such therapy is preferable.
PRP Facial & Micro-Needling Treatment Explained
Micro-needling is a well-known cosmetical procedure utilized for treating spots, wrinkles, scars, and lots of skin problems. Platelet-rich plasma is used together with micro-needling both to enhance and fix the results as well as make them more evident.
PRP has a healing effect and restores the fibers of the skin tissue to make it more elastic and tight. Platelet-rich plasma is a natural rejuvenating process that brings no side effects and risks except for temporary bruising or swelling which usually appears after any type of injection and disappears in a few hours.
Plasma Treatment for Face vs Habitual Fillers
PRP treatments for face are considered to be promising and natural, making it one of the safest ways of treating cosmetic problems and aging effects on the skin, but what about fillers? Comparing the results of these two treatment options, it’s clear that they have a lot in common.
Fillers are employed in reducing wrinkles, filling the volume of cheeks, and contributing to collagen development. Considering their common benefits, fillers and plasma therapies are combined to make treatment even more effective. However, fillers and PRP are different by origin.
Fillers intend to eliminate the signs of aging, like wrinkles, whereas PRP improves skin by rejuvenating it; fillers are made of synthetic materials while plasma is a completely natural one. The PRP-based skin rejuvenation may take some time, yet when it comes to the results of fillers, they are perceived immediately.
However, the results of fillers don’t last as long as in the case of platelet-rich plasma therapy. PRP for face makes your skin tighter and smoother along with improving the tone of your face skin. Plasma will promote healing and improve your face in a more natural way and thus, it will take time, and the effects are sure to last longer.
How many PRP treatments do you need?
PRP results on face can be felt within 30 days, and you will continue to feel the effects of looking younger and healthier. Is one treatment session enough to ensure the expected results? Many patients prefer or are advised to undergo from 3 to 6 treatment sessions with intervals of 4 weeks. It’s hard to come up with the number of sessions required to treat the aging of your face because the approach should be individual. Get a consultation with a specialist so that you can determine the optimal number of treatments.
PRP Treatment for Face: Before and After
Since the results are not instant, you need to be patient until the effects of the treatment appear. The good news is that you will undergo the natural process of making your skin healthier. One of the main results reported by the majority of the patients is better skin texture and tone. Another great effect is definitely the rejuvenation of the face skin leading to a younger look.
Tight and smooth skin will allow seeing the glowing effect on your face. Reduced wrinkles on the face are another type of reported results. With the proper approach and the help of specialists, you will get the best effects from plasma therapy.
Don’t forget that one or two treatment sessions may not be enough, so be sure to ask a doctor any questions you are curious about before the treatment.
Platelet Rich Plasma for Face: Side Effects & Costs
Whenever any type of therapy is discussed, it’s normal that the question of side effects starts haunting you. Since platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the blood sample taken from your own body, it will influence you naturally without causing infection or allergy. All sterility measures are guaranteed by our medical staff. If you undergo micro-needling with the help of professionals, you don’t need to worry about any side effects.
What about prices? PRP facial isn’t expensive as compared to surgical procedures, and the costs might range from $1,500 to $2,500 depending on the number of injections, your location, etc.
Platelet-Rich Plasma Face Treatment: Recovery Process
The time needed for recovery after the micro-needling process is pretty fast and simple. You may go home right after the procedure and go on with your daily activity. Be sure to take care of your face skin but don’t rub or don’t heat it for the first couple of days. Avoid sweating and hide from the sun rays or use the sunscreen with SPF filter contained. Try to avoid heavy makeup for a couple of days as well.
PRP for face is the best option for you if you want to look younger and healthier without a need for undergoing surgery. Platelet-rich plasma can help you with your face skin rejuvenation in a natural way. For more concerns, feel free to contact our team for a free consultation.